Counseling Services
Providing counseling services for children, families, couples, and individuals.
Children and Family
My approach to working with children and families is rooted in understanding each child’s developmental level, individual history, and family situation to better assess how that child interacts and interrupts the world around him/her as well as the challenges the family is facing. My approach to working with your family is client-centered and evidence-based to work towards more peace for your child and the family as a whole.
Common issues addressed in child-centered therapy include but are not limited to:
Anxiety, Depression, and other mood disruptions
Social Issues (bullying, social skills training)
Academic/Behavioral struggles at school
Adjustment (blended family, divorce, new sibling)
Attachment insecurity
History of Trauma
A Note about Parent Involvement:
Parent involvement is required and critical to the child’s success in therapy. Your involvement also helps you learn strategies to support your child at home, school, and other social environments. Your participation in the process is also meant to encourage and support you as you navigate parenting through a hard time. Before meeting with your child, I will meet with the caregiver(s) involved in the child’s life alone to gain a full history. Your further involvement will be at my discretion, but at a minimum of parent meetings every 4-6 sessions to ensure that you are a part of the healing that is occurring in sessions and equipped for life outside of session. You may also be asked to attend the first few sessions with your child to aid in the rapport building process and to ensure your child feels safe in the therapeutic space.
As children transition into adolescence, it may be most appropriate for the child to engage in therapy sessions individually without the parent. The parent will still be invited to participate in sessions as a supportive role for their child and be encouraged as they grow as parents.